Who We Serve

PRSPT4Kids has experience helping children with a wide variety of needs. One the right, there is a partial list of diagnoses we commonly serve, but we could never list them all! Connect with us to find out if physical therapy could be right for your child and their healthcare needs.

I’m a first time mom with my own child, and she was born prematurely. She ended up with Torticollis, Brachycephaly, and the myriad of issues that come along with the two for crawling, walking and standing. She also has some sensory issues that make things more difficult when working with her physically. Robin at PRSPT4Kids knew EXACTLY what to do to help her (and us as her parents) do the proper exercises and activities to help her strengthen her muscles, gain balance and move independently. Looking at her now, no one would even know that she had a late start crawling and walking, and that’s thanks to Robin’s care, guidance and expertise. She’s a genuinely caring person who puts her heart and soul into everything that she does. She’s always making sure that her “Kiddos” have what they need to succeed to the best of her ability. In just a little over a year, (appointments being once every two weeks) my daughter went from not even being able to crawl with a severe one-sided weakness in her body to crawling, walking and running! When I wake my daughter up for the day, I tell her that Mrs. Robin will be here today, her little face just lights up and she’s ready to face the day! She LOVES Robin, and responds so well to her. My little family and I cannot thank her enough for what she’s done and continues to do for my daughter. She’s an amazing woman and we’re incredibly blessed that she was placed with us through the CDSA.

Lucy P. – Mother of Patient

At this time, we can serve children in the following counties:

  • Cleveland County
  • Rutherford County
  • Polk County
  • Henderson County
  • Buncombe County
  • McDowell County

We will work with you to accommodate your schedule and fit your child in on days when we are in your area. We appreciate your flexibility.

Polk County Schools

PRSPT4Kids also serves children in Polk County Schools. If physical therapy in school is right for your child, we would love to serve them there!